Wednesday, December 14, 2011

random thoughts

lately i've been having a hard time falling asleep. and this leads to all kinds of issues. my brain just won't shut off and then i start thinking. and thinking after 9 pm is not a good thing for this gal! i start making problems out of nothing or thinking up awesome ideas but then forget them before the morning. do you know how many super cool blog posts i've come up with at 2 am but have forgotten because i didn't write them down? too many. but for some reason or another, last night i thought to get my phone out and "write" a note about all the thoughts going on in my brain (some of them are actually going to be those super cool blog posts i was talking about, so stay tuned!). and i'm going to share them with you today. brace yourselves.

i got an awesome headband in the mail from my aunt myra for christmas. it's the best headband in the world.

my hair is red. and i did it on purpose. it's actually a dark strawberry blonde and i love it. and i love tricia (my hair girl!) for talking me into. it's just going to take a few days to settle and then i'll love it even more!

i think i might have found the dress! i was browsing online at 1 am last night and fell in LOVE. plus it's actually at one of the places we'll be trying dresses on next week. eek!

having my first skype date with sisterly this week. i'm oddly nervous and extremely pumped all in the same emotion. 

T is going overboard on the christmas gifts. i mean, i 'm not going to complain because, well, they're all for me BUT, we had a limit and i stuck to it and now i'm feeling a little guilty and think i need to go get more for him. tough stuff right there. 

i love how my bestie lets me talk about me all. the. time. she's amazing.

why is making nye plans so difficult? we want to do something different (especially because 4 out of the last 6 years, i've babysat. lame.).

i taught lilly to sing the itsy bitsy spider and it's hilar.

i did not like the biggest loser this season. the finale was on last night and i couldn't get into it. so i watched swamp loggers instead. wow.

i think this is going to be the best christmas yet. i would say ever, but dal will be in the kennel for 3 days and i wanted him with us on christmas morning. but people over pets, right?

i'm frustrated with the lady in charge of our catering. she won't return e-mails or phone calls. how rude!

i think i'll be making christmas presents up until the very last minute. that's so me.

i need some colored jeans. green? coral? cobalt? red? help me decide.

i'm so lucky. 

see what happens in the late hours of the night/morning? craziness. i'm a weirdo.

p.s. i found these at michaels the other day. really?

1 comment:

  1. Thoughts are so funny and random! I love this post! :] And that's so exciting that you may have found the dress! I want to see! Also I want to see your hair! I hope sleeping gets easier! I know the feeling of your brain just going nonstop! I hope you're having a wonderful day!


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