Monday, December 12, 2011


secrets, secrets are no fun...isn't that how the saying goes?

WRONG. i LOVE secrets. i can't help it. something about knowing things that other people can't or shouldn't know. currently i have a lot of secrets in my noggin. it helps that i'm basically the advisor of the secrets for the sorority! i get to know all kinds of things. not that they'd be relevant to any of you, but secrets none the less. i have friend secrets, family secrets and the best of all christmas secrets.

now, i'll tell you the problem with me and secrets. i'm terrible at keeping them. i just have to tell someone. it eats me alive, from the inside out. and if you tell me a secret, you can pretty much guarantee that i'm telling one of two people, my mom or T. well, if we're being honest (which i always try to be because i'm also a bad liar), i've probably already told them both.

but you don't mind right?

T doesn't tell anyone because he usually forgets before he could divulge. and my mom lives 900 miles away, so even if she were to tell, there's about a 99.9% chance you won't know them and the secret will still be kept, right?

so now is the part where i want to tell you all the secrets i've got going on. and i can't, well maybe i can give clues...

so many tiny things happening to a lot of people i know. like, tiny little things. tiny, little, baby things.

you're totally getting everything you want and more for christmas.

he might, just might have told me the same thing about you that you told me about him. keeper ;)

i already know what i'm getting T as a wedding present and it's killing me that i have to wait 9.5 more months.

she's quitting.

ok, now i have to stop. before i get in trouble.

just remember secrets can be awful. but they can be awesome too. also, don't tell me your secret if you don't want T or mom to know.

now that i think about it my brother, schwab is an awesome secret keeper. i'll post his number later.

got any secrets you wanna share. i promise i won't tell!

1 comment:

  1. Secrets really are the best! And I'm pretty sure I tell my mum and my husband everything as well! Teehee! Christmas secrets really are the greatest though!


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