Thursday, December 15, 2011

wishes: the wedding

I was just telling T today that I'd like to have my mouth wired shut until the wedding. For several reasons; mostly because I'd have to cut out all solid foods thereby eliminating my main form of caloric intake. But also because I talk way I much about wedding stuff. Like way, way too much. I could go on or days people. And over analyze everything. Just ask Jennifer. I swear we talk for hours a day about me. My wedding, my marriage, my engagement, my white girl problems. Oh you're cooking a babe in that belly of yours? Well guess what kind of band I'd like to have at the reception? Seriously, why are you still friends with me? But back to the wedding...see I did it again. 

it's hard to not talk about it when everyone around you is asking you about it all the time. it's really a very exciting time and we're making new plans every day it seems. but it's been weird the last few weeks. it's christmas and i want to get in the hustle and bustle of the holidays but it seems all that i talk about is the wedding. the caterer, my dress, the bridesmaid dresses, our venue (which is still amazeballs), decor, flowers. you name it, we've talked about it. and don't get me wrong, i'd rather be discussing the wedding plans than not because let's be honest; it's super exciting and hello!, i'm getting married! but let's take a break shall we? 

i have a few wedding related things going on in the next week because mom will be in town but after next friday i'm taking three days off. so no wedding stuff this christmas, mmmmkay? because let's get real, it's all about this guy right now anyway...

p.s. this in no way means that you can't talk to me or ask questions about the wedding. i just won't be bringing it up and won't be blogging about it until after christmas ;)

1 comment:

  1. I will definitely still want to hear about wedding stuff! But I bet a few days break from it to focus on the real reason for Christmas will feel so good!! :)


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